5 things you need to do in your 20s:

1. Create a passive income.
Use the money that you are earning to do whatever to create a passive income. There will be a time in your 30s that you want to only focus on doing things that you love and not care about making money. So when the time comes, you are also ready to take on the adventure.

2. Have a relationship with yourself.
Know what you want, what makes you happy, and what your passions are. You need yourself to walk on this life journey all the time, so be in love with yourself.

3. Travel.
Travel to a different country at least once a year to somewhere you’ve never been before. It will help you to see yourself bigger than before.

4. Embrace your own journey.
Each person has their own time. Some of your friends might be busy working on their own business now. Some might be busy taking care of their own family. Some are working in top management now. Wherever they are, know that you are where you suppose to be right now. Each season has something special for you.

5. Plan your life.
You can’t control everything that comes to you, but you can control how you respond to it. Have a plan for your short term and long term goals. Things might change, things will happen unexpectedly but it is wise to plan your life and focus on what you can control.